[H3] “My name is Ben Consmueller. I live in Halifax, N.S. Canada, where I moved from Toronto at a young age. I started photography last year just for fun, and it has now taken over my life completely. My favorite type of photos are landscape and portrait, and I love combining the two of them. I hope to make it into a living where I can travel and explore as much of the world as possible.” – @benconsmueller
[H3] I’m Daniell. I grew up in the north of Germany and now call the Spanish island of Gran Canaria my home. I am a travel & adventure photographer who absolutely loves his job and everything that comes with it. I appreciate the people I meet, the places I go, the hours I keep, and the spontaneity in every shoot. I appreciate the raw reality of everyday life, the fleeting beauty of those in-between moments, and I do my very best to take every picture with that in mind. I want my viewers to relate to my photographs through recognition of and familiarity with the situations, the emotions, and the energy so much that they wonder if they are looking at a picture of someone they know.” – @daniellbohnhoff
[H3] “My pal Luke (@lit_and_woke) and I are from Thunder Bay, ON. About a month ago, after graduating from our school programs, we took off on a drive out west to BC to go tree planting for the summer. We’ve both been to BC, but Luke hadn’t driven through the mountains before. It’s a crazy experience driving hours through the plains of Saskatchewan and Alberta to suddenly reach the massive wall of the Rockies. We took a little break in Banff to check out some views and thought the goat was a statue until we got out of the car, walked up to it and it jumped off the ledge to a huge group of them down below. Moments like that are the best to capture with a camera: driving in the springtime through a new area with your best friend and coming across something unexpected.” – @masonprout
[H3] “My name is Ramzan! I live in the Chechen Republic. I began photographing three years ago. I like to travel to the mountains and I love fog and nature. I use different programs for processing and often I use CS-6 and Lightroom. I hope my work is pleasant to you.” – @ramzdossari
[H3] “I live in Paris, France. This shot was taken in Scotland, which I explored a few days ago. As a true fan of Harry Potter, it seemed obvious to me to get a photo at the Glenfinnan Viaduct and see the “Hogwarts Express”. I had the chance to reach the bridge a couple of minutes before the train passed. I’ve been doing photography for two years now. I’ve always been naturally attracted by melancholia and always felt it within me. This is the reason why my pictures always come with a caption, which expresses how I see it and life at the moment. It also is meant to make people look at the photo in a different way. To make people say to themselves, ‘Oh I didn’t see it like that, interesting.'” – @black_bile
[H3] “I’m from Boise, Idaho and I started getting into photography in high school. I’ve always been surrounded in the world of portraits. I enjoy photographing people, but traveling the world has always been a goal of mine. I quit my job, moved to France for a few months and haven’t stopped traveling since. Now I focus more on photographing the face of Mother Nature and the beautiful cities around her.” – @kybardi
[H3] “My name is Silas Walker. I’m from Portland, Oregon. I have always been captured by great visuals since childhood. In high-school, I began taking photos and soon found a passion. Now I am studying photojournalism at Western Kentucky University, which is one of the top photojournalism schools in the nation. I seek to tell stories and show my perspective. My website is silaswalker.net.” – @sigh_las
[H3] “My name is Luke and I’ve been wanting to visit Hallstatt since it started popping up on my Instagram feed a few years back. For the last five days hoping and planning have turned into reality and I haven’t been let down. I have a passion for landscape and forestry photography, and for someone who lives in one of the greatest cities in the world, it’s always a privilege to shoot in locations like this.” – @odonovan25
[H3] “I use photography to express the raw beauty and power of our planet’s natural environments, and the people who choose to play in them. For this shot, I wanted an abstract aerial view of someone entering water. My goal was to create an image that was disorienting yet familiar at the same time. At the end of the day, sometimes you just have to dive in.” – @iandeveau
[H3] “Our trip to Kenai Fjords was full of wildlife sightings, and one of the most common critters we encountered were these curious seals. As we were paddling, they would pop their heads out of the water and watch us slowly make our way through the fjord. After a few moments, they’d sink back beneath the surface only to pop up in a new spot and watch us from a new angle. I can’t read seals’ thoughts, but if I could, I imagine this guy would be thinking something along the lines of, “what’s wrong with those weird, skinny surface seals?” – @thenationalparksgirl
[H3] “I’ve been doing photography for about 2 and a half years now, and portraiture for about a year and a half. I’ve gravitated towards portraiture because I love the aspect of working with people, it’s a great way to make connections you otherwise wouldn’t and every photo carries a piece of that person’s personality, and I love that sense of compiling a grid of different moments and people.” – @henryhonzel
[H3] “My name is Susan Phillips and I live in OKC with my husband, son, and 2 boxers. I have always been drawn to the camera, but more so the image itself. That moment frozen in time. As a kid, I would obsess over all of my prints of family + friends. That’s sort of where it started. Now I enjoy documenting love + raw emotions. I am extremely honored that people let me into such intimate moments of their lives.” – @susanalysephotography