[H1] Download Early, Buy in Advance, and Celebrate with FaithJoin the LiveThe12Days Challenge to Escape Consumerism This Christmas!
[H1] Live The 12 Days Challenge,For Bethlehem's Sake!
[H1] Support Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem
[H1] HOW to keep Christ in Christmas! Live the 12 Days!
[H1] Support Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem
[H1] HOW to keep Christ in Christmas!
[H1] Live the 12 Days!
[H1] THE CHALLENGE!What you give!
[H1] THE CHALLENGE!What you give!
[H1] "How to Keep Christ in Christmas"
[H1] "How to Keep Christ in Christmas"
[H1] Christmas joy, by the bundle
[H1] Christmas joy, by the bundle
[H1] has 4 Heirloom projectsand hours of faith filled family fun
[H1] Your Digital Bundle Of Joy Includes:
[H1] Check Out These 5 Star Reviews from Amazon and Etsy!
[H1] Living the 12 days transformed our lives and our Christmas forever!
[H1] Bishop Olmsted and the 12 days of christmas- NCR 2013
[H1] Our Father Gave to us 12 days of Christmas Catechesis & Reflection by Larry Dorame
[H1] Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem, The Birth Place of Love, Needs our Help!
[H1] National & Local Radio & News Coverage
[H1] Is our traditional 12 Days of Christmas song a 17th Century Irish Code written by a "wily" Jesuit?oris the song an 18th Century English Nursery Rhyme written by anonymous?
[H1] Who Is This Offer For?
[H1] Until Christmas Begins!
[H1] The Best Christmas Bundle Includes:
[H1] About Me...
[H1] From our family to yours hope you have"Your BEST Christmas Ever!"
[H1] 386 A.D. The First Christmas Sermon
St. John Chrysostom
[H1] Until Christmas BEGINS! Live The 12 Days for your BEST Christmas Ever!
[H1] Best Christmas Ever Bundle FAQ's!
[H2] When: December 25 - January 6Who: You and Your Friends & Family What: Keep Christ in Christmas Why: For the Peace that surpasses ALL understanding How: Learn the Song, Live in Gratitude, Restore your Peace!
[H2] Our Mission is to find faith-filled families to Keep Christ in Christmas by taking the Challenge to Live The 12 Days, transforming the Culture of Christmas, One family at a time...will you join us?
[H2] Our Mission is to find faith-filled families to Keep Christ in Christmas by taking the Challenge to Live The 12 Days, transforming the Culture of Christmas, One family at a time...will you join us?
[H2] Epiphany Mass January 6, 2025 Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem, 1500 steps from where Jesus was born, will be offered for all families Living the 12 Days of Christmas! Join the Challenge today!
[H2] Epiphany Mass January 6, 2025 Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem, 1500 steps from where Jesus was born, will be offered for all families Living the 12 Days of Christmas! Join the Challenge today!
[H2] And Receive a Daily Children's Poem & Larry Dorame 2 Days of Christmas Reflection
[H2] And Receive a Daily Children's Poem & Larry Dorame 12 Days of Christmas Reflection
[H2] Save more compared to buying each item separately!
[H2] Price on iTunes:
[H2] Price on Amazon:
[H2] Price on Etsy:
[H2] Price on Etsy:
[H2] itunes Song
[H2] eBook
[H2] Ornament Kit
[H2] Bonus
[H2] Watch Now!
[H2] And Hours of faithfilled fun Goes to Your Family!
[H2] Father Harold Stockert, a Byzantine priest shared his first person eyewitness testimony of finding 17th Century letters written from a Jesuit in Dublin, Ireland to a Jesuit in Douay, France. He found these letters, in Georgetown Library in the early 1960's. After reading the letters, notating them He put them back in the book and on the shelf. We are still looking for the original letters. VS Current history says The12 Days of Christmas Song is an 18th Century English nursery rhyme as published in 1780. In the book Mirth Without Mischief after it was performed in a King Pepin ball.Stay tuned!
[H2] Our exclusive bundle of joy, only found here includes:
[H2] √ Mp3 Song from iTunes
√ Digital printable EBook
√ 30 Page D.I.Y Ornament Kit √ BONUS Hearth Banner
[H2] Hours of faith-filled family fun!
[H2] If Christmas is truly a season that begins
on Jesus's Birthday, then celebrating it had to be more than
12 hours of frenzied merry making.
Celebrating Christmas all 12 Days, gave me a gift.
For the first time as a mother, I was able to enter more deeply into the spiritual reality that we were celebrating the birth of the prince of peace. - Rebecca