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中文网提醒: 请输入一级域名网址来索取中文报告,标准格式如 ‘yoursite.com’。

網頁優化100分标准評級- ndcs.org.uk

 網頁報告在生成當中 1月 24 2025 02:49 AM

舊的數據? {更新} !

你的網站分數是 72/100

emoji pink face 嵌入这个工具到你的网页!

Thank you dance animation






  SEO內容  seo tooltips

標題  seo report title tooltips National Deaf Children's Society | Supporting deaf children

長度 : 59

accordion-arrow seo advice標題優化:

因为中文和英文的拼写不同,出现在谷歌搜索结果中的中文标题大概是30个文字,所以理想中文标题应该在25-30个文字之间。 網頁標題是搜索引擎檢索網頁排名很重要的一個元素,所以建議盡量優化長詞組的標題。


在Google.com/baidu.com 上面输入 “site:yoursite.com” , 按回车健就可以查看了。你还可以查看到网页的收编数量。


accordion-arrow 怎樣在你的網頁加入SEO標題標簽?

登錄到你的網站後台,找到要更新網頁的html代碼,搜索 < title > 標簽, 然後把網頁的標題寫到 < title > -- < /title > 中間。

如果你找不到 TITLE 標簽,那麼你就要自己把標題代碼寫進去, 不同的網站有不同的後台界面,你需要先找到網頁,然後再找要更新的代碼。

怎樣在 WORDPRESS 裏面撰寫標題代碼範例:
how to add webpage title tag

accordion-arrow 怎樣搜索盈利性的關鍵詞標題?


1. 使用 谷歌趨勢工具 來定位你的關鍵詞市場趨勢

2. 登錄谷歌廣告商ADWORDS帳號,使用 谷歌關鍵詞工具 來定位關於你生意的關鍵詞, 特點是多搜索量,少競爭,長詞組的關鍵詞。聯想用戶輸入關鍵詞的思路,撰寫用戶所需要的內容來解答他們的疑惑和需求。

Google keywords planner tool

3. 在谷歌網站上面輸入關於你生意的關鍵詞,查看競爭對手在第一頁的排名,他們所使用的標題, 網頁的內容,思考你自己網頁所遺失的關鍵詞文章,然後重寫撰寫高質量內容的文章。 移動鼠標查看搜索結果的底部谷歌所建議關聯的關鍵詞,這些關鍵詞可能會幫助你的網頁增加曝光率和排名。

google search result keywords suggests

4. 如果是搜索中文关键词组,建议可以用 百度指数 - 关键词工具

smiley face 關鍵詞詞組建議工具

accordion-arrow 預覽網頁標題源代碼

smiley face 預覽標題源代碼工具

描述 We are the National Deaf Children’s Society, the leading charity for deaf children and young people. We’re here to support every deaf child who needs us.

長度 : 153

accordion-arrow seo advice描述建議:




登錄到你的網站後台,找到要更新網頁的html代碼,搜索 <head> 標簽, 然後把網頁的描述META代碼寫到 <head> -- </head> 中間。

smiley face 生成 Meta Tags 代碼工具


** 不要拷貝 // 之後的內容, 它是為了解釋代碼如何使用。


<!DOCTYPE html> //定義HTML5文本樣式

<html lang="en-US"> //HTML5文本樣式顯示英文代碼

<html lang="zh-cn"> //HTML5文本樣式顯示中文代碼

<head> //HEAD標簽開始,在這裏面寫入的代碼不會顯示在網頁裏面

<meta charset="utf-8"> //UTF-8 代碼是為了顯示多語言文字

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> //手機屏幕伸縮顯示代碼

<link rel="canonical" href="https://www.metricbuz.com" /> // 告诉搜索引擎这个网页的优先权链接,注意链接要规范 + https:// 。

<title> 你的網頁主要標題寫在這裡 </title>

<meta name="keywords" content="寫入關鍵詞文字"> //網頁關鍵詞代碼

<meta name="description" content="寫入網頁描述"> //網頁描述代碼

<meta name="author" content="作者名字"> //作者名字代碼

<link rel=”author” href=”https://plus.google.com/+Metricbuzz-seo”/> // 使用 谷歌+ 语法在搜索结果中显示内容的原创作者。

<meta name="copyright" content="@All Rights Reserved"> //網頁版權代碼

<meta name="robots" content="index, follow"> //網頁蜘蛛收編文件代碼

<meta https-equiv="cache-control" content="cache"> //網頁缓存代碼,它加速你的網頁下載速度

<meta https-equiv="revisit-after" content="7 days"> //網頁重新訪問代碼,它告訴搜索引擎在7天後重新訪問檢索你的網頁

<meta https-equiv="refresh" content="30"> // 告诉搜索蜘蛛在30天之后执行更新内容检索命令。

// 意思是搜索引擎蜘蛛检索这个网页, NOFOLLOW 就是不让这个网页里面的外链在搜索引擎产品价值。 举例:假设你的网页链接出现在某个网页,但是这个网页设置了 NOFOLLOW 指令, 那么你的这个网页链接就不再在搜索引擎的排名结果中产生价值。


<meta property="og:title" content="这里输入标题"> // 告诉脸书你的网页标题
<meta property="og:description" content="这里输入描述"> // 告诉脸书你的网页描述内容
<meta property="og:type" content="这里输入内容模式"> // 告诉脸书你的网页内容
<meta property="og:image" content="https://example.com/image.jpg"> // 告诉脸书你的网页图片
<meta property="og:url" content="https://www.example.com/"> // 告诉脸书你的网页链接

下面5行是分享到 TWITTER 上面的内容代码

<meta name=”twitter:card” content=”summary”> // 告诉推特你的网页内容总结

<meta name=”twitter:url” content=”https://www.metricbuzz.com”> // 告诉推特你的网页链接

<meta name=”twitter:title" content=”这里输入标题”> // 告诉推特你的网页标题

<meta name=”twitter:description” content=”这里输入描述”>
// 告诉推特你的网页描述

<meta name=”twitter:image” content=”https://www.metricbuzz.com/metric-buzz-logo.png”> // 告诉推特你的网页图片

</head> //HEAD標簽結束

<body> //在 body標簽 裏面寫入的代碼會顯示在網頁上面

<h1>這裡寫入內容 </h1> //H1 到 H6 的文字標簽代碼,顯示文字的大小

<h2>This is a Heading </h2>

<h3>This is a Heading </h3>

<h4>This is a Heading </h4>

<h5>This is a Heading </h5>

<h6>This is a Heading </h6>

<p>這裡寫入段落內容 </p> //普通文字段落標簽代碼

<img src="example.img" alt="在這裡寫入圖片的名字"> //圖片標簽代碼

<iframe src="https://www.metricbuzz.com">
<p> 你的瀏覽器不支持內置窗口 </p>
</iframe> //Iframe 內置窗口表示在同一個網頁,有另外一個窗口,它是不好的搜索引擎操作。

下面是 ’架构数据代码‘, 它告诉搜索引擎关于你的各类商业信息,增加你的商业网上曝光率。


<div itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/LocalBusiness">
<span itemprop="name">Search Buzz Inc</span>
<div itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/PostalAddress">
<span itemprop="streetAddress">1000 main st</span>
<span itemprop="addressLocality">Flushing</span>,
<span itemprop="addressRegion">NY</span>
<span itemprop="postalCode">11354</span>
Phone: <span itemprop="telephone">9173304930</span>
<a href="https://www.google.com/maps/place/1000+Main+St,+Flushing,+NY+11367/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x89c2608d1d514f07:0x663177ad64962765?sa=X&ei=Q6qDVeKkI4L6sAW5_YPABw&ved=0CB0Q8gEwAA" itemprop="maps">URL of Map</a>

</body> //BODY 標簽結束

</html> //整個網頁文本代碼結束

關鍵詞  seo report keywords tooltips


accordion-arrow seo advice優化建議:

不錯,你的網頁包含了 “Og Properties” 標簽,這個標籤允許社交網站爬蟲更好的理解你的網頁內容。 此標簽代表一種 “开放圖形元素协议”,可以在你的網頁頭部代碼嵌入此標簽,詳見下面的代碼例子:

"Og Meta Properties" 是社交網站使用的標簽代碼


<meta property="og:title" content="這裡輸入標題內容">
<meta property="og:description" content="這裡輸入描述內容">
<meta property="og:type" content="article">
<meta property="og:image" content="https://example.com/image.jpg">
<meta property="og:url" content="https://www.example.com/">

smiley face

使用 Og Properties 代码自动生成工具



屬性 內容
title National Deaf Children&#39;s Society | Supporting deaf children
description We are the National Deaf Children’s Society, the leading charity for deaf children and young people. We’re here to support every deaf child who needs us.
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
4 6 14 0 0 0
  • [H1] Deaf Children Today: Tell us what your child needs next
  • [H1] My NDCS
  • [H1] Make a difference
  • [H1] Stay in touch
  • [H2] Members area
  • [H2] We provide support for
  • [H2] Become a member
  • [H2] Popular topics
  • [H2] News (Latest)
  • [H2] Follow us
  • [H3] Register
  • [H3] Become a member
  • [H3] Families
  • [H3] Deaf children and young people
  • [H3] Professionals
  • [H3] Connect
  • [H3] Discover
  • [H3] Access
  • [H3] Emotional health and wellbeing
  • [H3] First diagnosis for my child
  • [H3] Assistive specialist technology
  • [H3] Susan Daniels OBE to step down as CEO of National Deaf Children's Society
  • [H3] British Sign Language (BSL) GCSE in Wales: Signature and National Deaf Children's Society update
  • [H3] National Deaf Children's Society comments on suspension of BSL GCSE in Wales

圖片 我們在當前網頁檢索到 10 個圖片。

accordion-arrow seo advice優化建議:

糟糕,5 個圖片ALT屬性是空的,或者丟失。添加ALT屬性,以方便搜索引擎可以更好地了解你的圖片內容。

怎樣撰寫圖片 Alt 屬性範例:

<img src="example.img" alt="寫入圖片的有關內容描述" width="300" height="200">,准确描述图片的大小/width/height可以让网页下载的更快。

如果谷歌网页速度工具 给予你的网站低的速度评分,最快的方法就是优化你的图片, 然后再查看一下你的网页速度,你会发现分数很快提高了不少。

如果你使用https,而不是https, 请务必检查你的图片链接。

使用 图片优化工具.

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文本/代碼 比例  seo report Text HTML Ratio tooltips 比例 : 1%

accordion-arrow seo advice內容優化建議:

糟糕,當前網頁 文本/HTML 代碼的比例低於15%, 這意味著你的網頁可能需要更多的關鍵詞文字內容。


撰寫網頁有效內容策略應該是對搜索引擎來說最重要的事情了。它讓搜索引擎不斷收編你的網頁鏈接,內容,增加搜索結果,潛在流量。 有效的網頁內容也大大提高了用戶的滿意度,解答用戶潛在的各種問題,不斷增加潛在成交量。 所以,在撰寫內容之前,必須深思熟慮,先問自己下面的幾個問題?

  • 誰是你的潛在用戶,你了解他們的需求嗎?如果答案不是,你應該先要進行有效的市場調研,學習潛在用戶行為,然後再來撰寫針對性的網頁內容。

  • 在不斷了解潛在用戶的思維方式和行為之後,你應該不斷換位思考,從用戶角度需求出發,撰寫他們所需要的內容。

  • 你應該設計一個用戶體驗良好的網站,比如容易瀏覽,快速簡易查找相關信息,可讀性, 不應該讓用戶思考怎樣使用你的網站,還有,不要讓他們在使用網站的過程中填寫很多不必要的信息。

  • 網站可用性意味這:快速的網頁,手機屏幕伸縮設計,愉悅的可讀性文字, 連貫的的設計顏色。 設計信息图表內容是一種很好的方式來同你的用戶分享信息,研究報告人的大腦更容易記住關於圖片的信息。

  • 始終思考怎樣病毒式的传播你的內容。你可以設計視頻內容來推廣你的生意,你可以在你的網站提供免費的工具代碼給別人用,然後再鏈接到你的網頁去。 你還可以設計相關的遊戲內容,打遊戲競爭級別是人的天性,有利於傳播你的網站。 如果你撰寫的文字內容非常有用,可以解決別人的實際問題,這也可能產生被傳播的機率。

  • 除了上面的,始終撰寫你自己熟悉的內容主題是非常重要的。

smiley face 查看潛在錯誤英文語法,抄袭内容工具

accordion-arrow seo advice優化建議:

完美,在這個頁面上沒有檢測到 Flash 動畫內容。

Flash 動畫 HTML 代碼:

<object width="400" height="400" data="helloworld.swf"> </object>

smiley face 動畫範例網頁:

accordion-arrow seo advice優化建議:

不錯! 在這個頁面上沒有檢測到內部框架,Iframe 就是在網頁中有一個小的滾動窗口,這可能導致搜索引擎很難索引到網頁內容。

內置窗口 HTML 代碼:

<iframe src="https://www.metricbuzz.com">
<p> 你的瀏覽器不支持內置窗口 </p>

smiley face 查看內置窗口範例:

  SEO鏈接  seo report SEO links tooltips


accordion-arrow seo advice優化建議:


如果你想要重新編寫網頁包含關鍵詞的鏈接,把下劃線 _ 改稱- 的話, 你需要修改一個服務器根目錄 public_html 下面的文件名 ".htaccess"。



(鏈接有許多搜索引擎不理解的符號 *%&^ )



accordion-arrow seo advice優化建議:

不錯!在您的網址鏈接未檢測到下劃線 _,下劃線鏈接通常也是對關鍵詞優化不友好的。





如果你想要重新編寫網頁包含關鍵詞的鏈接,把下劃線 _ 改稱- 的話, 你需要修改一個服務器根目錄 public_html 下面的文件名 ".htaccess"。

我們對當前網頁檢索到了 766鏈接

關鍵詞鏈接 鏈接類型 鏈接價值
Skip to content 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Please read our cookie policy for more information. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Manage Cookie Settings 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Decrease font size 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Documents and resources 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Helpline 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Contact us 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My profile 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Logout 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Join us 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
What we do 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Vision, mission and values 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Every Moment Counts: our 2023 to 2028 strategy 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Our impact 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Annual report and accounts 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Our constitution 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Our position statements 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Who we are 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Our Trustees 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Our Chief Executive 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Our history 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Where we work 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
England 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Northern Ireland 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Scotland 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Wales 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Parent and carer membership 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Parent or carer outside of the UK 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deaf young person 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
UK-based professional 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Jobs 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Working with us 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Recruitment support 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Frequently asked questions 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
News and media 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Latest news 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Information for journalists 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Contact the media team 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Complaints policy 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
New to hearing loss 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Childhood deafness 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
What is deafness? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Does my child have a hearing loss? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Causes of deafness 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Hearing tests 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Hearing aids and implants 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Audiology services 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deafness and additional needs 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Information for deaf young people 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Money and benefits 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
What are disability benefits? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Disability Living Allowance (DLA) 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Appeals and complaints 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Other financial support 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Benefits in Scotland 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Language and communication 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Choosing a communication approach 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
About language and communication 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Supporting your child's learning 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Spoken language 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Sign language 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bilingualism 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Assistive technology 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Technology products 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How technology works 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Funding technology 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Technology suppliers 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Technology resources 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Education and learning 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Choosing a deaf-friendly school 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Early years 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Primary years 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Secondary years 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bullying and deaf children 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Additional support in education 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Parenting and family life 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Families magazine 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Emotional health and wellbeing 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Parenting 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Family relationships 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Family blogs 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Enjoying leisure time 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Hobbies 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Practising your religion 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Information for professionals 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Recognising the signs of hearing loss 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Education professionals 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Health professionals 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Social care professionals 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Research and data 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deaf-friendly youth activities 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How to make your services and workplace deaf-friendly 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Fundraising ideas 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Running 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Cycling 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Trekking 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Skydiving 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Fundraise in your community 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Donate 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Play our lottery 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
In memory giving 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Trusts and foundations 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Lifestyle giving 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Giving a major gift 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Become a supporter 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Gifts in Wills 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Free Will-writing service 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Gifts in Wills - request information 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How to make or update your Will 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Executors and solicitors 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How to leave a gift to us in your Will 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Campaigning 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Teachers of the Deaf experiences - next steps 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Right to Sign campaign 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Campaigns - England 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Campaigns - Northern Ireland 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Campaigns - Scotland 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Campaigns - Wales 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Our campaign wins 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deaf education map 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Corporate fundraising 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Partnering with us 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How to get involved 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Our partners 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Volunteering 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Volunteer roles 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Meet our volunteers 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
About our fundraising 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Where we are fundraising 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Fundraising FAQs 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Our Supporter Charter 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Gift Aid 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Contact Supporter Care 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Meet one of our fundraisers 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Become more deaf aware 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Free deaf awareness resources 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deaf-friendly communication tips 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deaf awareness activities for children and young people 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Make meetings deaf-friendly 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deaf Awareness Week 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Sign with Fingers 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Family events 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
New to Hearing Loss online events 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Information and Advice sessions 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Learn British Sign Language 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Services for families 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Advice and Guidance Officers 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Family involvement 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Education Appeals Specialists 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
About our safeguarding 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My NDCS: a free app for parents of deaf children 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Services for professionals 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Training and e-learning 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Free online sessions for early years professionals 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Support for early years professionals 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Helpline for professionals 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Meet our in-house paediatric audiologists 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Connecting families 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Local deaf children’s societies 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Parent and Family Network 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Online groups and communities 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Improving local services 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Local Engagement 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Children's Hearing Services Working Groups (CHSWGs) 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Feedback on our services 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
About Deaf Child Worldwide 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Our policies and procedures 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Childhood deafness in developing countries 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Where we work with deaf children 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Support our work 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Resources and research 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Glue Ear - A guide for parents 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Including deaf children and young people: a how-to-guide 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Language and Communication paper 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Talking to your deaf friends postcard and poster 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deaf students speak out 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Our blog 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
What has changed for Unheard Children? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How has the pandemic impacted deaf children? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Three common misunderstandings about deaf children 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
What happens when the teachers and families of deaf children are given intensive support and training? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Webinars 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Two years on: The impact of the pandemic on deaf children in the developing world 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Language in the Early Years: How to Support Deaf Children in Developing Countries 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Partner with us 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Threads 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How to use Your Community 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Community guidelines 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Your Community moderation team 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Home 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
About us 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Gender pay gap 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Trustee biographies 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Contact us – Scotland 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Local Groups – Scotland 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Early years support 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
I Can Fingerspell! 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Resources for early years practitioners 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Information and support 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Levels of deafness 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Unilateral deafness 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
What does hearing loss sound like? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Glue ear 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Treating glue ear 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Preparing your child for surgery 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Cleft palate 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Down's syndrome 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Meningitis 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder (ANSD) 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Enlarged vestibular aqueducts (EVA) 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Microtia and atresia 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Cholesteatoma 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Otosclerosis 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Genetics and deafness 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How genes can cause deafness 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
What is genetic and genomic testing? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Getting your genetic test results 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
What is genetic counselling? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Hearing aids 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How hearing aids work 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Types of hearing aids 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Getting hearing aids 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Taking care of hearing aids 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
When hearing aids can and cannot be worn 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Cochlear implants 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Referral and assessment for cochlear implants 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Making a decision about cochlear implants 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Comparing cochlear implant models 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Surgery for cochlear implants 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Switch-on process for cochlear implants 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Taking care of cochlear implants 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bone conduction hearing devices 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Different types of surgical implant 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Devices worn on a headband 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Advantages and disadvantages of implantable devices 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
What to expect at the Hearing Implant Centre 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Surgery 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Funding, lost equipment, batteries and other technology 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Middle ear implants 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Auditory brainstem implants (ABIs) 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Batteries and battery safety 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Decorating your child's hearing aids or cochlear implants 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Keeping hearing technology on babies and toddlers 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Managing ear wax 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Types of additional needs 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deaf children and ADHD 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deafness and autism 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deaf children and vision 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deaf children and balance 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deaf children and tinnitus 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Information for over 18s 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Help and support 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How young people can get involved 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Work and careers 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Money 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How can I manage my money? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Your rights 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Education 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Mental health 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deaf identity 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Independent living 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Information for under 18s 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Accessibility and support 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Celebrating deafness 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Education and careers 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deafness and audiology 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Wellbeing and safety 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Making change 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
What is Disability Living Allowance (DLA)? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How to get supporting evidence for a Disability Living Allowance (DLA) claim 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
What is Personal Independence Payment (PIP)? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How to get supporting evidence for a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) claim 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Making a complaint 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Carer's Allowance (CA) 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Access to Work 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Grants 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Support to get online 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Child Disability Payment (CDP) 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Adult Disability Payment (ADP) 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Challenging a disability benefit determination in Scotland 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Lip-reading 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Speech and language therapy 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Getting speech and language therapy in England 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Getting speech and language therapy in Northern Ireland 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Getting speech and language therapy in Scotland 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Getting speech and language therapy in Wales 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
What is sign language? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How can I learn British Sign Language (BSL)? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Learn to fingerspell 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
BSL videos and resources 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Using sign language in family life 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Watch videos from other families 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deaf child and me 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Telling stories in sign language 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Storytelling using characters 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Storytelling using outdoors 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Storytelling using pictures 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Storytelling using props 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Sensory storytelling 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Irish Sign Language (ISL) 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Tactile signing 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
What is a sign system? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Choosing a deaf-friendly school in England 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My child didn’t get into our choice of school in England – what now? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Choosing a deaf-friendly school in Northern Ireland 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My child didn’t get into our choice of school in Northern Ireland – what now? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Choosing a deaf-friendly school in Scotland 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My child didn’t get into our choice of school in Scotland – what now? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Choosing a deaf-friendly school in Wales 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My child didn’t get into our choice of school in Wales – what now? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Special schools for deaf children in the UK 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Home education 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Summer born children in England: Starting school a year late 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Quality standards in early years services for deaf children 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Choosing childcare for your deaf child 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Your childcare rights: England 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Your childcare rights: Wales 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Your childcare rights: Scotland 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Your childcare rights: Northern Ireland 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Preparing your deaf child for primary school 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Starting a conversation about school with your child 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Getting to know the school staff together 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Missing school for medical appointments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
If your child has been excluded from school 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Make school plays deaf-friendly 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Phonics and your deaf child 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Preparing for the move to secondary school 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Help your child stay safe and smart online 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Advice for parents of deaf children 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Cyberbullying 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
What the law says about bullying 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Additional support in England 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Reforms to support for children and young people with SEN 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Support for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in your area 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
SEN support: support for deaf children without an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Making a complaint about your child’s education 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Additional support in Northern Ireland 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How additional support is provided 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Making a complaint about your child's education 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Additional support in Scotland 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How additional support needs are identified and assessed 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How additional support is provided 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Making a complaint about your child’s education 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Additional support in Wales 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How additional support is provided 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Making a complaint about your child's education 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Back issues 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Your stories 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Newly diagnosed stories 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Emmie's Diagnosis: Emotional roller-coaster ride 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Ivy's communication options 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Harry’s cochlear implant journey 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Christian's experience of being a dad to a deaf child 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How Frederick's parents felt empowered 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Isla's deafness and cleft lip and palate 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
William's personalised care 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Primrose's communication choices 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Building confidence for Lily 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Making decisions for baby Finnley 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How sign language helped one family settle in the UK 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Spreading joy through his family and community 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Going it alone 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deciding against technology for Olivia 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Early years stories 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Izzy’s parents' sibling strategies 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Twins Liam and Oscar's different needs 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Leia's auditory brainstem implant 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Chloe's radio aid rescue 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Early planning for Jemima's flying start 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Support across the generations for Oliver 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Hugh’s smooth nursery move 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How Henry's parents used sign language in their wedding 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Like mother, like daughter 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Alex's experience of cholesteatoma 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My best present ever 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
From toddler groups to finding a nursery 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Olive's choice 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Financial support for Holi 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Griffin’s twin needs 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Ezekiel is a musical maestro 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Danny’s advice for dads 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Primary years stories 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
The battle for Brocha's radio aid 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Alfie's delayed school start 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Monty's CROS aid 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Megan's cholesteatoma 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Isla’s tiredness (concentration fatigue) 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Oliver’s cycling story 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Andrew’s deafness and autism 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Honor’s mild deafness 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Henry’s otosclerosis 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Ellie's whole school learned to sign 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Adalaide's scouting joy 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Elijah's experience of home education 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Edward's misdiagnosis 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Putting the attendance record straight for William 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Elliot's glue ear journey 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Audrey's strictly a star 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Daisy's level playing field 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Communicating across countries 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
A write success 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Respecting Charlie's choices 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Conor's confidence trip 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Getting to grips with genetic testing 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
A chaotic Christmas 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Digital discovery 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Celebrating Eid together as a family 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Sybil’s school routine 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Getting additional support for Isaac 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Genevieve's journey to communication 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Santiago's tips for swimming success 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Asking the right questions 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Fighting for Xander’s diagnoses 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
A new start for Anna 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Our sons and their new signing class 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Secondary years stories 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Daniel’s determination to study French 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Isabella’s school transition 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Cody’s glue ear 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
The fight for the right school for Nathan 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Callum's different school 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Danny's social media success 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Aliyah's deafness and cerebral palsy 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Alex's technology 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Libby's life in the fast lane 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Ryan's taking secondary school in his stride 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Reuben's a deaf awareness champion 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Jovita's tour guiding success 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Joab's musical opportunities 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Cobie's deaf awareness raising at school 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Lily beat the bullies! 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Beyond exhaustion 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Alice’s difficult start at secondary school 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Rhodri’s ticket to independence 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
We're a team! 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Hanukkah at home 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Maia takes control 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Focused on his goal 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Siena knows best 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Growing up with glue ear 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Miriam speaks for herself 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Jasmine's a singing sensation 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Daniel’s campaigning for change 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Zara’s difficult decisions 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Moji's big move 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
The sky's the limit 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Stories of deaf young people 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Lydia’s move to adult audiology services 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Lauren’s swimming coaching success 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Anwyn’s decision to learn British Sign Language 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Max’s apprenticeship 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Jazzy's YouTube vlogging 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Jenny's Special Olympics skating 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Alex aces his GCSEs 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Finding Florence's confidence 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Issy's transatlantic adventures 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Ellie's a workplace wonder 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Jodie's rugby joy 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Mariam's banking on success 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Emily's making the move 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
The right choices for Lily and Jessie 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Fraser's building a better life 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Oliver and Harry's journey to independence 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Georgia's trip to Malawi 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Megan's experiences of learning to drive 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Working wonders 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Moving up the career ladder 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Helping Hooriya put her mental health first 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Ollie's living the dream 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Forging an identity 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Danielle’s deaf dating experiences 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Sarah’s successful PIP claim 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Cam's navigating the party scene 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
The power of plumbing 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
A double diagnosis 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
NJ's a game changer 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Zooming to success 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Sarah's a star volunteer 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Emily's caring role 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Kirsty chooses her path 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Discovering a Deaf identity 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Holly’s a hero paramedic 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Ifan's ideal apprenticeship 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Cooking up a storm in the deaf community 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Proudly representing two communities 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Lily's a photographer to the stars 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Embracing every part of Dom's identity 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Ella’s acting ambitions 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Grace’s growing confidence 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Mollie’s lush part-time job 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Daniel takes on T-Levels 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Claudia’s canny career advice 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Making it in medicine 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Oliver's a triple threat 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Your careers 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Antiques dealer 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Classroom assistant 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Composer 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Environmental consultant 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Photographer 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Road traffic collision statistician 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
HGV driver 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Social worker 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Chair of a poetry magazine 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Film-maker and photographer 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Support arts organisations to become accessible 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Training provider 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Sports photographer 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Senior data journalist 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Biomedical scientist 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Student midwife 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Aerospace design engineer 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Magician 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Artist and small business owner 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Chief marketing officer 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Volunteer manager 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
English teacher 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Vet 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Producer, director and performer 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Diagnostic radiographer 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Postman and union rep 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Contemporary artist 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Poet 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Editor 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Business owner 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Illustrator 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Web developer 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Taxi driver 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Statistician 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Entrepreneur 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Director of a social enterprise 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Primary school teacher 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Director of my own captioning company 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Screenwriter, director and journalist 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Sports coach 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Professional sportsman and inspirational speaker 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Government data manager 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Communications and marketing officer 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Employment advisor and deaf equality campaigner 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Café worker 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Coordinator for student disability support 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Illustrator and children’s illustration tutor 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Nurse 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Engineer 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Finance officer 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Nursery nurse 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Dentist 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Lawyer 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Actor 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Electrician 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Heating engineer and plumber 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Paediatric audiologist 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I…? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I... help my deaf child cope with tiredness? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I... help my deaf child enjoy birthday parties? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I... give my child the best holiday experience? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I... help my child to travel independently? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I… meet the needs of my child and help others to meet them as well? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I... deal with people staring at my child? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I... help my child's clubs and extracurricular activities be deaf aware? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I... help my child sleep? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I... help my child deal with homework? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I... keep my child safe? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I... access sign language lessons? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I... share toys and activities with my child? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I... encourage my child to keep their hearing aids or implants on? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I...choose the right childcare for my child? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I...boost my child's self-esteem? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I...learn at home with my child? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I...encourage my child to use technology independently? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I...deal with criticism? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I...keep my child safe online? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I... prepare my child for surgery? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I... assert my child's rights at school? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I... support my family with deafness? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I… decide if my child should have cochlear implant surgery? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I… make travel with my child easier? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I… help my deaf child make friends? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I… help my deaf child to feel part of the deaf community? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I… help my hearing children to understand their sibling’s deafness? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How do I… prepare my child for primary school? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Reviews 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Books 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Apps and websites 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Products 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me... 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me becoming an award-winning actress 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me being a competitive cyclist 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me becoming a national literature champion 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me volunteering in Nepal 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me starring in a TV advert 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me becoming a musician and inventor 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me becoming a Hollywood actress 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me travelling the world 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me climbing some of the tallest mountains in the world 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me becoming a tennis champion 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me becoming a circus artist 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me becoming a champion ice skater 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me becoming a Shakespearean actress 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me becoming a fashion designer 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me rowing across the Atlantic 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me starring in EastEnders 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me becoming an award-winning artist 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me trekking to the North Pole 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me becoming a fitness influencer 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me becoming a competitive snowboarder 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me becoming a DJ 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me becoming a champion kickboxer 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me becoming a comedian 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me winning gold in the Commonwealth Games 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me becoming a roller derby champion 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
My deafness didn't stop me becoming an Olympic Weightlifter 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Supporting your child's mental health 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Coping with challenges 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Key things you can do from the start 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Talking about emotions 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Building positive deaf identity 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Developing positive self-esteem 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Learning how to relax and unwind 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Signs of a mental health condition 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Asking for professional support 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Embracing my deaf identity: Jovita's story 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Supporting young people's mental health 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Talking to teenagers about feelings 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Maintaining young people's deaf identity 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Managing my mental health: Ella's story 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Supporting parents' mental health 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Emotional wellbeing for parents and carers 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Joining a local group: Kate's story 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Professional support for parents 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Parenting tips 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Different parenting styles 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Managing anger and tantrums 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Building a routine 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Supporting your child to build their deaf identity 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Our comics 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Parenting a deaf child 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Tiredness in deaf children 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Helping your child sleep 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Our children's storybooks 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Jake and Jasmine to the Rescue 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Daisy and Ted's Awesome Adventures 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Elephant and the Lost Blanket 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
'The Quest for the Cockle Implant' 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Playtime tips and ideas 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Parenting a pre-teen (children aged 8–12) 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Parenting a deaf teenager 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Going to parties 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Independent travel 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Sex education 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Dating 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Moving out 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Managing money 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Having difficult conversations 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Learning to drive 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Information for grandparents 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Information about siblings 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Having a deaf child in the family 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Fun ways for siblings to focus on feelings 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Support for siblings and families of deaf children 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Information for professionals 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Fostering or adopting a deaf child 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Being a single parent family 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Childminding a baby or child with a hearing loss 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Our Family 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Our William got cochlear implants 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
School trips 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Going on holiday 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Days out 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Cinema and theatre 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Top tips for making discos deaf-friendly 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deaf-friendly birthday parties and party games 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Listening to music 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Team sports 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Scout and Guide groups 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Cycling 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Swimming 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Musical instruments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Performing arts: Music, dance and drama 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Duke of Edinburgh award 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Breakfast and after-school clubs 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Making Christmas deaf-friendly 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Making religious celebrations deaf-friendly 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
BSL vocabulary for religious worship 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Visiting places of worship 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Early years education 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Radio aids in the early years 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deafness and me: A toolkit for early years practitioners 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Primary education 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Secondary education 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Post-14 education and preparing for adulthood 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Education resources for managers 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Resources for education professionals 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Research 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Consortium for Research in Deaf Education (CRIDE) reports 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Reports on paediatric audiology 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Making the arts deaf-friendly 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deaf-friendly arts activities 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Competitive arts 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deaf-friendly music teaching 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Hearing technology and music 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Singing, choir practice and sign song 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Music examinations 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deaf-friendly football coaching 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Football preparation checklist 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deaf-friendly football activities 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Football health and safety 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Competitive football 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deaf-friendly swim coaching 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Swimming preparation checklist 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deaf-friendly pool games 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Competitive swimming 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deaf-friendly resources 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Adapting activities 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Communication 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Law 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Communicating with a deaf person in the workplace 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Reasonable adjustments in the workplace 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Communication support professionals 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Making resources accessible for deaf children and young people 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Technology in the workplace 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deaf-friendly contact methods 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Ensuring your opportunities are accessible 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Get involved 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Chris Bolton Memorial Fund 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Ruby's story 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Elliot’s story 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Right to Sign campaign - latest updates 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Update on the British Sign Language (BSL) GCSE in England – October 2024 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Right to Sign campaign - December 2023 update 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Right to Sign campaign timeline 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Update on the parent-led Teachers of the Deaf petition (Wales) 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Professional presenter 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Laura's story 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Mai's story 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Michael’s story 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Sam's story 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Neil's story 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Harrison's story 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Our services 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Live chat 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Contact the Helpline form 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Referral form for professionals 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Help for new arrivals to the UK - information in English, Ukrainian and Russian 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Our training workshops 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deaf Awareness for Early Years Practitioners - CPD accredited 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Raising a Deaf Child Facilitator Training - CPD accredited 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Supporting Deaf Children in Early Years Settings - CPD accredited 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bespoke training 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Free e-learning courses 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deaf Child Worldwide 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Train with us 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Your Community 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Take our survey 外部鏈接 傳遞價值
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  可用性建議  seo report Usability tooltips

獨立域名鏈接 域名 : ndcs.org.uk
長度 : 11

seo advice優化建議:

accordion-arrow域名可用性建議 & 各類工具:

通常情況下,你的域名越短越好,6-7字母(不包括.com)是比較理想的域名。 域名的名字應該讓用戶很容易的記住,並且經常回來瀏覽你的網頁。

如果你的域名太長了,用戶就不容易記住,那訪問的機會就會大大降低。 你的域名應該俱有創意,和你的生意內容相關,可以讓用戶需要服務的時候聯想到你的生意,這對於生意長久的營銷非常有利。

smiley face




** 使用以下的搜索引擎蜘蛛爬行文件工具來生成代碼,文件名為 "robots.txt", 然後上傳文件名到服務器上面去,目錄路徑為 "public_html/robots.txt".


robots.txt 文件網頁範例

** 查看每個網頁的內存大小,建議不要超過100K,如果一個網頁的內存太大,那麼網頁的下載速度就會降低,影響用戶體驗。

查看網頁內存大小工具 check webpage size

accordion-arrow seo advice優化建議:

不錯,你的網站發現 favicon快捷方式圖標,它在網站瀏覽器 頂部窗口最左邊。

** Favicon 文件名為 "favicon.ico",尺寸為 50X50 pixels/皮克, 生成好這個小圖標之後,上傳到服務器的根目錄,為 "public_html/favicon.ico"。

smiley face 小圖標生成工具

metric buzz favicon



accordion-arrow seo advice優化建議:

不錯,當前網頁發現語言代碼標簽--/html lang="en-US"/。

網頁語言代碼英文標簽範例: <html lang="en-US">

網頁語言代碼中文標簽範例: <html lang="zh-cn">


accordion-arrow seo advice優化建議:

糟糕,當前網頁沒有使用 Dublin Core 代碼標簽(Dublin Core 是由15個資源描述代碼標簽組成的詞彙)。

查看 Dublin 代碼標簽 如下範例:

<metadata xmlns:xsi="https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<meta name="DC.title" content=" 你的網頁主要標題寫在這裡 " />
<meta name="DC.Creator" content=" 作者名字寫在這裡 " />
<meta name="DC.subject" content=" 網站主題寫在這裡 " />
<meta name="DC.description" content=" 你的網頁描述寫在這裡" />
<meta name="DC.publisher" content=" 你的公司名字寫在這裡 " />
<meta name="DC.date" content=" 2014-12-01 " />
<meta name="DC.type" content=" 網站大概內容寫在這裡 " />
<meta name="DC.language" content=" en-US " />

smiley face Dublin Core 代碼生成工具

  網頁文本  seo report Document tooltips

文檔類型 HTML 5
robots.txt tooltips
Yoursite.com/Robots.txt 文件 User-agent: * crawl-delay: 10 Disallow: /umbraco User-agent: SemrushBot Disallow: / User agent: MTRobot Disallow: / User agent: MauiBot Disallow: / User agent: SiteimproveBot Disallow: / User agent: SiteimproveBot-Crawler Disallow: / User agent: AdsBot-Google Disallow: /umbraco User-agent: Baiduspider User-agent: 360Spider User-agent: Yisouspider User-agent: PetalBot Disallow: / User-agent: Bytespider Disallow: / User-agent: Sogou web spider Disallow: / User-agent: Sogou inst spider Disallow: / User-agent: AhrefsBot Disallow: /
robots.txt 文件自动生成工具 ;
robots.txt tooltips
Yoursite.com/sitemap.xml文件 NO, Sitemap File Not Found!
sitemap.xml 文件自动生成工具 ;

accordion-arrow seo advice優化建議:

完美,您聲明文檔的字符集為 UTF-8。該設置對於網頁顯示其他語言是至關重要的,“UTF8” 是Unicode設置的多語言顯示。


<meta charset="utf-8">

accordion-arrow查看 HTML5 文檔各類代碼範例

W3C權威組織有效性檢索報告 錯誤 : 0
警告 : 0

accordion-arrow seo advice優化建議:

W3C是標準的開源代碼工具平台,它可以幫助查看你的網頁代碼語法問題,並給出提示和解決方案來優化你的網頁語法, 讓搜索引擎更好的理解你的網頁內容。通常你的網頁會有很多錯誤的代碼語法,我們建議盡量優先優化重要的問題, 因為通常一些簡單的語法錯誤是不會給你的網頁瀏覽和體驗帶來問題。

smiley face W3C HTML 代码查看

smiley face 查看潛在錯誤英文語法,抄袭内容工具

已過時 HTML 代碼

網頁加速提示  seo report Speed Tips tooltips 如果你寻找价格合理,靠谱的服务器,我们推荐这家公司。


accordion-arrow seo advice優化建議:

糟糕,你的網站使用內嵌的CSS代碼標簽。建議生成一個外部的CSS文件, 然後在你的網頁裏面鏈接這個外部文件是比較明智的做法,這樣的話會減少網頁加載的文本內容。

內嵌 CSS 代碼範例:

<p style="font-size:18px;"> 內嵌 CSS 代碼這裡是 "style="font-size:18px;",它改變了在 <P> Tag. </p> 裏面文字的大小。

accordion-arrow seo advice優化建議:

太好了,你的網站發現只有很少的 Javascript 文件。 Javascript對於網站的加載速度起到非常關鍵的作用,如果一個網站此類文件太多的話,就會大大影響網頁的加載速度, 谷歌搜索引擎如果發現網頁速度太慢的話,就會直接懲罰你的網頁在搜索引擎結果頁面的排名。

smiley face 優化 JAVASCRIPT 文件工具

如果你想要你的用戶有更好的瀏覽體驗,提高你的網頁下載速度是很重要的。用戶等待網頁下載的時間越長, 離開你網頁的機會就越大。搜索引擎也優先排名和檢索速度相對快的相關競爭內容網頁。


使用以下的谷歌網頁速度測試工具來查看綜合的報告,修復建議。 使用 Gtmetrix.com 的網頁速度工具來查看各類網頁下載速度指標,查看詳細比較慢的下載網頁報告來了解具體原因,等等。

smiley face




Gtmetrix 綜合各類網頁速度瀑布報表報告

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如果你自己在臉書上面每天花時間來進行營銷的話,也許會為你帶來一點效果,但是代價就是你的時間和精力的消耗。其實還有更好的針對性營銷方法, 在臉書上面學習花小錢打廣告一點都不貴,還可以用關鍵詞定義你的目標受眾群體,這裡我們給你介紹 ‘臉書商業廣告’。

如果你想要為你的網站帶來流量,轉化率,顧客行為營銷,提高你的品牌知名度,關鍵詞營銷,本地化營銷, 定義用戶喜好營銷,用戶跟蹤展示廣告營銷,個性化用戶報告,各類營銷工具,簡易廣告操作界面,等等所有的這些功能,臉書商業廣告營銷方案會是個很好的选择。

以下是 ‘臉書頁面信息廣告展示’ 指南範例:

  1. 首先是建立一個臉書的商業頁面,在上面撰寫所有關於你生意的必要信息,比如文章,圖片,視頻,聯繫方法等等。注意,這些信息必須美觀,原創。

  2. 然後根據臉書廣告指南,一步步地購買頁面信息展示廣告,這個廣告收費不是太貴,每天$5 就可以開始了。

  3. 选择你的目標用戶群喜好,年紀,性別,定義你的廣告關鍵詞,這個非常重要,目的是要讓廣告展示在對你的商業有興趣的用戶面前。

  4. 使用臉書簡易的廣告報告平台來查看每天廣告的結果,比如展示次數,點擊量,評論,點贊,等等。

  5. 學習更多臉書廣告工作原理?


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