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  SEO內容  seo tooltips

標題  seo report title tooltips Why Do Bitcoin Transactions Take So Long to Become “Final ...

長度 : 61

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因为中文和英文的拼写不同,出现在谷歌搜索结果中的中文标题大概是30个文字,所以理想中文标题应该在25-30个文字之间。 網頁標題是搜索引擎檢索網頁排名很重要的一個元素,所以建議盡量優化長詞組的標題。


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accordion-arrow 怎樣在你的網頁加入SEO標題標簽?

登錄到你的網站後台,找到要更新網頁的html代碼,搜索 < title > 標簽, 然後把網頁的標題寫到 < title > -- < /title > 中間。

如果你找不到 TITLE 標簽,那麼你就要自己把標題代碼寫進去, 不同的網站有不同的後台界面,你需要先找到網頁,然後再找要更新的代碼。

怎樣在 WORDPRESS 裏面撰寫標題代碼範例:
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1. 使用 谷歌趨勢工具 來定位你的關鍵詞市場趨勢

2. 登錄谷歌廣告商ADWORDS帳號,使用 谷歌關鍵詞工具 來定位關於你生意的關鍵詞, 特點是多搜索量,少競爭,長詞組的關鍵詞。聯想用戶輸入關鍵詞的思路,撰寫用戶所需要的內容來解答他們的疑惑和需求。

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描述 The Bitcoin.com Explorer provides block, transaction, and address data for the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin (BTC) chains. The data is displayed within an awesome interface and is available in several different languages.

長度 : 222

accordion-arrow seo advice描述建議:




登錄到你的網站後台,找到要更新網頁的html代碼,搜索 <head> 標簽, 然後把網頁的描述META代碼寫到 <head> -- </head> 中間。

smiley face 生成 Meta Tags 代碼工具


** 不要拷貝 // 之後的內容, 它是為了解釋代碼如何使用。


<!DOCTYPE html> //定義HTML5文本樣式

<html lang="en-US"> //HTML5文本樣式顯示英文代碼

<html lang="zh-cn"> //HTML5文本樣式顯示中文代碼

<head> //HEAD標簽開始,在這裏面寫入的代碼不會顯示在網頁裏面

<meta charset="utf-8"> //UTF-8 代碼是為了顯示多語言文字

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> //手機屏幕伸縮顯示代碼

<link rel="canonical" href="https://www.metricbuz.com" /> // 告诉搜索引擎这个网页的优先权链接,注意链接要规范 + https:// 。

<title> 你的網頁主要標題寫在這裡 </title>

<meta name="keywords" content="寫入關鍵詞文字"> //網頁關鍵詞代碼

<meta name="description" content="寫入網頁描述"> //網頁描述代碼

<meta name="author" content="作者名字"> //作者名字代碼

<link rel=”author” href=”https://plus.google.com/+Metricbuzz-seo”/> // 使用 谷歌+ 语法在搜索结果中显示内容的原创作者。

<meta name="copyright" content="@All Rights Reserved"> //網頁版權代碼

<meta name="robots" content="index, follow"> //網頁蜘蛛收編文件代碼

<meta https-equiv="cache-control" content="cache"> //網頁缓存代碼,它加速你的網頁下載速度

<meta https-equiv="revisit-after" content="7 days"> //網頁重新訪問代碼,它告訴搜索引擎在7天後重新訪問檢索你的網頁

<meta https-equiv="refresh" content="30"> // 告诉搜索蜘蛛在30天之后执行更新内容检索命令。

// 意思是搜索引擎蜘蛛检索这个网页, NOFOLLOW 就是不让这个网页里面的外链在搜索引擎产品价值。 举例:假设你的网页链接出现在某个网页,但是这个网页设置了 NOFOLLOW 指令, 那么你的这个网页链接就不再在搜索引擎的排名结果中产生价值。


<meta property="og:title" content="这里输入标题"> // 告诉脸书你的网页标题
<meta property="og:description" content="这里输入描述"> // 告诉脸书你的网页描述内容
<meta property="og:type" content="这里输入内容模式"> // 告诉脸书你的网页内容
<meta property="og:image" content="https://example.com/image.jpg"> // 告诉脸书你的网页图片
<meta property="og:url" content="https://www.example.com/"> // 告诉脸书你的网页链接

下面5行是分享到 TWITTER 上面的内容代码

<meta name=”twitter:card” content=”summary”> // 告诉推特你的网页内容总结

<meta name=”twitter:url” content=”https://www.metricbuzz.com”> // 告诉推特你的网页链接

<meta name=”twitter:title" content=”这里输入标题”> // 告诉推特你的网页标题

<meta name=”twitter:description” content=”这里输入描述”>
// 告诉推特你的网页描述

<meta name=”twitter:image” content=”https://www.metricbuzz.com/metric-buzz-logo.png”> // 告诉推特你的网页图片

</head> //HEAD標簽結束

<body> //在 body標簽 裏面寫入的代碼會顯示在網頁上面

<h1>這裡寫入內容 </h1> //H1 到 H6 的文字標簽代碼,顯示文字的大小

<h2>This is a Heading </h2>

<h3>This is a Heading </h3>

<h4>This is a Heading </h4>

<h5>This is a Heading </h5>

<h6>This is a Heading </h6>

<p>這裡寫入段落內容 </p> //普通文字段落標簽代碼

<img src="example.img" alt="在這裡寫入圖片的名字"> //圖片標簽代碼

<iframe src="https://www.metricbuzz.com">
<p> 你的瀏覽器不支持內置窗口 </p>
</iframe> //Iframe 內置窗口表示在同一個網頁,有另外一個窗口,它是不好的搜索引擎操作。

下面是 ’架构数据代码‘, 它告诉搜索引擎关于你的各类商业信息,增加你的商业网上曝光率。


<div itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/LocalBusiness">
<span itemprop="name">Search Buzz Inc</span>
<div itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/PostalAddress">
<span itemprop="streetAddress">1000 main st</span>
<span itemprop="addressLocality">Flushing</span>,
<span itemprop="addressRegion">NY</span>
<span itemprop="postalCode">11354</span>
Phone: <span itemprop="telephone">9173304930</span>
<a href="https://www.google.com/maps/place/1000+Main+St,+Flushing,+NY+11367/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x89c2608d1d514f07:0x663177ad64962765?sa=X&ei=Q6qDVeKkI4L6sAW5_YPABw&ved=0CB0Q8gEwAA" itemprop="maps">URL of Map</a>

</body> //BODY 標簽結束

</html> //整個網頁文本代碼結束

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accordion-arrow seo advice優化建議:

糟糕,此頁面不包含 “Og Meta Properties” 標簽,這個標籤允許社交網站爬蟲更好的理解你的網頁內容。 此標簽代表一種 “开放圖形元素协议”,可以在你的網頁頭部代碼嵌入此標簽,詳見下面的代碼例子:

"Og Meta Properties" 是社交網站使用的標簽代碼


<meta property="og:title" content="這裡輸入標題內容">
<meta property="og:description" content="這裡輸入描述內容">
<meta property="og:type" content="article">
<meta property="og:image" content="https://example.com/image.jpg">
<meta property="og:url" content="https://www.example.com/">

smiley face

使用 Og Properties 代码自动生成工具



H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
3 1 4 0 7 24
  • [H1] Why Do Bitcoin Transactions Take So Long to Become “Final ...
  • [H1] Some major trends in 2017 and lessons learned
  • [H1] Some predictions for the year 2018
  • [H2] Can you cancel your bitcoin transaction?
  • [H3] Top Submitters' Top Submissions
  • [H3] Top Commenters
  • [H3] Top Submissions
  • [H3] Top Comments
  • [H5] Day 9: I will post this guide regularly until available solutions like SegWit, order batching, and Lightning payment channels are mass adopted, the mempool is empty once again, and tx fees are low. Have you done your part?
  • [H5] Day 7: I will post this guide regularly until available solutions like SegWit & order batching are mass adopted, the mempool is empty once again, and tx fees are low. Do you want low tx fees, because this is how you get low tx fees
  • [H5] Day 8: I will post this guide regularly until available solutions like SegWit, order batching, and Lightning payment channels are mass adopted, the mempool is empty once again, and tx fees are low. BTC Core SegWit GUI coming May 1, Coinbase incompetence exposed, more exchanges deploy SegWit
  • [H5] Day 6: I will post this guide regularly until available solutions like SegWit & order batching are mass adopted, the mempool is empty once again, and tx fees are low. Refer a friend to SegWit today. There's no $10 referral offer, but you'll both get lower fees and help strengthen the BTC protocol
  • [H5] [uncensored-r/CryptoCurrency] Predictions for 2018 and lessons learned from trends in 2017
  • [H5] Subreddit Stats: btc posts from 2018-05-14 to 2018-05-19 12:59 PDT
  • [H5] 01-11 07:03 - 'Day 9: I will post this guide regularly until available solutions like SegWit & order batching are mass adopted, the mempool is empty once again, and TX fees are low. Do you want low TX fees? This is how...' (self.Bitcoin) by /u/Darknicks removed from /r/Bitcoin within 293-303min
  • [H6] If I'm a HODLer, will it help to send my BTC to a SegWit address now?
  • [H6] Why is SegWit adoption going so slowly? Is it a time-consuming process, is there risk involved, is it laziness, or something else?
  • [H6] Once Segwit is FULLY adopted, what do we see the fees/transaction times going to?
  • [H6] What determines bitcoin transaction fees, to begin with?
  • [H6] Can you please tell me how to move my bitcoins to SegWit address in Bitcoin core wallet? Does the sender or receiver matter?
  • [H6] What wallet are you using to "batch your sends"? And how can I do that?
  • [H6] Why doesn't the Core Wallet yet support SegWit?
  • [H6] Why isn't a large exchange like Coinbase SegWit ready & deployed when much smaller exchanges already are? Why do they default to high fees? Where is the leadership there?
  • [H6] What are the two SegWit address formats and why do they exist?
  • [H6] What is the difference in address format between SegWit address formats P2SH and bech32?
  • [H6] Which addresses can I send from/to?
  • [H6] Why did ThePirateBay put up two Bitcoin donation addresses on their frontpage, one bech32 and one not?
  • [H6] If I'm a HODLer, will it help to send my BTC to a SegWit address now?
  • [H6] Why is SegWit adoption going so slowly? Is it a time-consuming process, is there risk involved, is it laziness, or something else?
  • [H6] Once Segwit is FULLY adopted, what do we see the fees/transaction times going to?
  • [H6] What determines bitcoin transaction fees, to begin with?
  • [H6] Can you please tell me how to move my bitcoins to SegWit address in Bitcoin core wallet? Does the sender or receiver matter?
  • [H6] What wallet are you using to "batch your sends"? And how can I do that?
  • [H6] Why doesn't the Core Wallet yet support SegWit?
  • [H6] Why isn't a large exchange like Coinbase SegWit ready & deployed when much smaller exchanges already are? Why do they default to high fees? Where is the leadership there?
  • [H6] What are the two SegWit address formats and why do they exist?
  • [H6] What is the difference in address format between SegWit address formats P2SH and bech32?
  • [H6] Which addresses can I send from/to?
  • [H6] Why did ThePirateBay put up two Bitcoin donation addresses on their frontpage, one bech32 and one not?

圖片 我們在當前網頁檢索到 11 個圖片。

accordion-arrow seo advice優化建議:

糟糕,1 個圖片ALT屬性是空的,或者丟失。添加ALT屬性,以方便搜索引擎可以更好地了解你的圖片內容。

怎樣撰寫圖片 Alt 屬性範例:

<img src="example.img" alt="寫入圖片的有關內容描述" width="300" height="200">,准确描述图片的大小/width/height可以让网页下载的更快。

如果谷歌网页速度工具 给予你的网站低的速度评分,最快的方法就是优化你的图片, 然后再查看一下你的网页速度,你会发现分数很快提高了不少。

如果你使用https,而不是https, 请务必检查你的图片链接。

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accordion-arrow seo advice內容優化建議:

糟糕,當前網頁 文本/HTML 代碼的比例低於15%, 這意味著你的網頁可能需要更多的關鍵詞文字內容。


撰寫網頁有效內容策略應該是對搜索引擎來說最重要的事情了。它讓搜索引擎不斷收編你的網頁鏈接,內容,增加搜索結果,潛在流量。 有效的網頁內容也大大提高了用戶的滿意度,解答用戶潛在的各種問題,不斷增加潛在成交量。 所以,在撰寫內容之前,必須深思熟慮,先問自己下面的幾個問題?

  • 誰是你的潛在用戶,你了解他們的需求嗎?如果答案不是,你應該先要進行有效的市場調研,學習潛在用戶行為,然後再來撰寫針對性的網頁內容。

  • 在不斷了解潛在用戶的思維方式和行為之後,你應該不斷換位思考,從用戶角度需求出發,撰寫他們所需要的內容。

  • 你應該設計一個用戶體驗良好的網站,比如容易瀏覽,快速簡易查找相關信息,可讀性, 不應該讓用戶思考怎樣使用你的網站,還有,不要讓他們在使用網站的過程中填寫很多不必要的信息。

  • 網站可用性意味這:快速的網頁,手機屏幕伸縮設計,愉悅的可讀性文字, 連貫的的設計顏色。 設計信息图表內容是一種很好的方式來同你的用戶分享信息,研究報告人的大腦更容易記住關於圖片的信息。

  • 始終思考怎樣病毒式的传播你的內容。你可以設計視頻內容來推廣你的生意,你可以在你的網站提供免費的工具代碼給別人用,然後再鏈接到你的網頁去。 你還可以設計相關的遊戲內容,打遊戲競爭級別是人的天性,有利於傳播你的網站。 如果你撰寫的文字內容非常有用,可以解決別人的實際問題,這也可能產生被傳播的機率。

  • 除了上面的,始終撰寫你自己熟悉的內容主題是非常重要的。

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accordion-arrow seo advice優化建議:

完美,在這個頁面上沒有檢測到 Flash 動畫內容。

Flash 動畫 HTML 代碼:

<object width="400" height="400" data="helloworld.swf"> </object>

smiley face 動畫範例網頁:

accordion-arrow seo advice優化建議:

糟糕!你的網頁有內部框架元素,Iframe 就是在網頁中有一個小的滾動窗口,這可能導致搜索引擎很難索引到網頁內容。

內置窗口 HTML 代碼:

<iframe src="https://www.metricbuzz.com">
<p> 你的瀏覽器不支持內置窗口 </p>

smiley face 查看內置窗口範例:

  SEO鏈接  seo report SEO links tooltips


accordion-arrow seo advice優化建議:


如果你想要重新編寫網頁包含關鍵詞的鏈接,把下劃線 _ 改稱- 的話, 你需要修改一個服務器根目錄 public_html 下面的文件名 ".htaccess"。



(鏈接有許多搜索引擎不理解的符號 *%&^ )



accordion-arrow seo advice優化建議:

不錯!在您的網址鏈接未檢測到下劃線 _,下劃線鏈接通常也是對關鍵詞優化不友好的。





如果你想要重新編寫網頁包含關鍵詞的鏈接,把下劃線 _ 改稱- 的話, 你需要修改一個服務器根目錄 public_html 下面的文件名 ".htaccess"。

我們對當前網頁檢索到了 597鏈接

關鍵詞鏈接 鏈接類型 鏈接價值
Understanding Segregated Witness 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
If every transaction in the Bitcoin network was a SegWit transaction today, blocks would contain up to 8,000 transactions, and the 138,000 unconfirmed transaction backlog would disappear instantly. Transaction fees would be almost non-existent once again 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
On Jan 11 2018 when BTC sends went offline at Coinbase the mempool began to rapidly empty. Later in the day when service was restored there was a sharp spike up in the mempool 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Saving up to 80% on Bitcoin transaction fees by batching payments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Google Doc - Lightning Exchanges 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
BitInfoCharts.com - Average Transaction Fees 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
BitcoinFees.info - Next Block Fee 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Blockchain.info - Unconfirmed Transactions 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
SegWit Charts 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Johoe's Bitcoin Mempool Statistics 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Merged pull requests on SegWit. GUI support for SegWit in Core Wallet should happen on/before May 1 with the release of 0.16.0 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Petition to Coinbase to Prioritize SegWit implementation on the Coinbase Bitcoin Wallet & GDAX Exchange passes 10,000 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Source 1: BitcoinCore.org 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Source 2: /Bitcoin 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
SegWit: In testing (including send from bech32). Batching: Have been for years. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Coinbase: working on batching transactions, SegWit, and a number of other strategies to improve transaction backlog. Thx for bearing with us! 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deposits are made to Segwit addresses and withdrawals are sent in Segwit format, but frontend presentation is pending full implementation/support in wallets such as bitcoin core. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
We don't order batch, but we will get to it. So much engineering to do :/ 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Source: HowToToken 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
March 2016 - Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong has reservations about Core 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Dec 2017 - Coinbase is STILL working on Segwit 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Source: BTCManager.com 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Source: BitcoinTalk.org 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
HowToToken.com - How To Send Bitcoin Faster And Cheaper Over SegWit Transactions 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
BTCManager.com - Electrum 3.0 is first Wallet to enable Bech32 SegWit Addresses 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
If every Bitcoin tx was a SegWit tx today, we'd have 8,000 tx blocks & the tx backlog would disappear. Tx fees would be almost non-existent once again. THE NEXT BITCOIN TX YOU MAKE, MAKE IT A SegWit TX. DOWNLOAD A SegWit COMPATIBLE WALLET AND OPEN A SegWit COMPATIBLE EXCHANGE ACCOUNT RIGHT NOW 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
I will repost this guide daily until available solutions like Segwit & order batching are adopted, the mempool is empty once again, and transaction fees are low. You can help. Take action today 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Day 3: ARE YOU PART OF THE SOLUTION? News: Unconfirmed TX's @ 274K, more exchanges adding SegWit, Core prioritizes SegWit GUI 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Day 4: Unconfirmed TX's @ 174K 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Day 5: I will post this guide regularly until available solutions like SegWit & order batching are mass adopted, the mempool is empty once again, and transaction fees are low. User demand from this community can help lead to some big changes. Have you joined the /Bitcoin SegWit effort? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Day 6: I will post this guide regularly until available solutions like SegWit & order batching are mass adopted, the mempool is empty once again, and tx fees are low. Refer a friend to SegWit today. There's no $10 referral offer, but you'll both get lower fees and help strengthen the BTC protocol 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Day 7: I will post this guide regularly until available solutions like SegWit & order batching are mass adopted, the mempool is empty once again, and tx fees are low. Do you want low tx fees, because this is how you get low tx fees 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Day 8: I will post this guide regularly until available solutions like SegWit, order batching, and Lightning payment channels are mass adopted, the mempool is empty once again, and tx fees are low. BTC Core SegWit GUI coming May 1, Coinbase incompetence exposed, more exchanges deploy SegWit 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bastiat 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bitcoin 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
[link] 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
[comments] 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Understanding Segregated Witness 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
have already implemented SegWit 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Saving up to 80% on Bitcoin transaction fees by batching payments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
BitInfoCharts.com - Average Transaction Fees 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Blockchain.info - Unconfirmed Transactions 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
SegWit Charts 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
If every transaction in the Bitcoin network was a SegWit transaction today, blocks would contain up to 8,000 transactions, and the 138,000 unconfirmed transaction backlog would disappear instantly. Transaction fees would be almost non-existent once again 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
/Bitcoin 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Source 1: BitcoinCore.org 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Source 2: /Bitcoin 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
SegWit: In testing (including send from bech32). Batching: Have been for years. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deposits are made to Segwit addresses and withdrawls are sent in Segwit format, but frontend presentation is pending full implementation/support in wallets such as bitcoin core. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
We don't order batch, but we will get to it. So much engineering to do :/ 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Source: HowToToken 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
March 2016 - Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong has reservations about Core 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Dec 2017 - Coinbase is STILL working on Segwit 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Source: BTCManager.com 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Source: BitcoinTalk.org 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
HowToToken.com - How To Send Bitcoin Faster And Cheaper Over SegWit Transactions 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
BTCManager.com - Electrum 3.0 is first Wallet to enable Bech32 SegWit Addresses 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
If every Bitcoin tx was a SegWit tx today, we'd have 8,000 tx blocks & the tx backlog would disappear. Tx fees would be almost non-existent once again. THE NEXT BITCOIN TX YOU MAKE, MAKE IT A SegWit TX. DOWNLOAD A SegWit COMPATIBLE WALLET AND OPEN A SegWit COMPATIBLE EXCHANGE ACCOUNT RIGHT NOW 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
I will repost this guide daily until available solutions like Segwit & order batching are adopted, the mempool is empty once again, and transaction fees are low. You can help. Take action today 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Day 3: ARE YOU PART OF THE SOLUTION? News: Unconfirmed TX's @ 274K, more exchanges adding SegWit, Core prioritizes SegWit GUI 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Day 4: Unconfirmed TX's @ 174K 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Day 5: I will post this guide regularly until available solutions like SegWit & order batching are mass adopted, the mempool is empty once again, and transaction fees are low. User demand from this community can help lead to some big changes. Have you joined the /Bitcoin SegWit effort? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Day 6: I will post this guide regularly until available solutions like SegWit & order batching are mass adopted, the mempool is empty once again, and tx fees are low. Refer a friend to SegWit today. There's no $10 referral offer, but you'll both get lower fees and help strengthen the BTC protocol 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bastiat 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bitcoin 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
[link] 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
[comments] 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Understanding Segregated Witness 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
If every transaction in the Bitcoin network was a SegWit transaction today, blocks would contain up to 8,000 transactions, and the 138,000 unconfirmed transaction backlog would disappear instantly. Transaction fees would be almost non-existent once again 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
On Jan 11 2018 when BTC sends went offline at Coinbase the mempool began to rapidly empty. Later in the day when service was restored there was a sharp spike up in the mempool 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Saving up to 80% on Bitcoin transaction fees by batching payments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Google Doc - Lightning Exchanges 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
BitInfoCharts.com - Average Transaction Fees 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Blockchain.info - Unconfirmed Transactions 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
SegWit Charts 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Merged pull requests on SegWit. GUI support for SegWit in Core Wallet should happen May 1 with the release of 0.16.0 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Petition to Coinbase to Prioritize SegWit implementation on the Coinbase Bitcoin Wallet & GDAX Exchange passes 10,000 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
SegWit now active at Unocoin (India) 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Source 1: BitcoinCore.org 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Source 2: /Bitcoin 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
SegWit: In testing (including send from bech32). Batching: Have been for years. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Coinbase: working on batching transactions, SegWit, and a number of other strategies to improve transaction backlog. Thx for bearing with us! 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deposits are made to Segwit addresses and withdrawals are sent in Segwit format, but frontend presentation is pending full implementation/support in wallets such as bitcoin core. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
We don't order batch, but we will get to it. So much engineering to do :/ 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Source: HowToToken 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
March 2016 - Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong has reservations about Core 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Dec 2017 - Coinbase is STILL working on Segwit 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Source: BTCManager.com 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Source: BitcoinTalk.org 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
HowToToken.com - How To Send Bitcoin Faster And Cheaper Over SegWit Transactions 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
BTCManager.com - Electrum 3.0 is first Wallet to enable Bech32 SegWit Addresses 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
If every Bitcoin tx was a SegWit tx today, we'd have 8,000 tx blocks & the tx backlog would disappear. Tx fees would be almost non-existent once again. THE NEXT BITCOIN TX YOU MAKE, MAKE IT A SegWit TX. DOWNLOAD A SegWit COMPATIBLE WALLET AND OPEN A SegWit COMPATIBLE EXCHANGE ACCOUNT RIGHT NOW 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
I will repost this guide daily until available solutions like Segwit & order batching are adopted, the mempool is empty once again, and transaction fees are low. You can help. Take action today 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Day 3: ARE YOU PART OF THE SOLUTION? News: Unconfirmed TX's @ 274K, more exchanges adding SegWit, Core prioritizes SegWit GUI 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Day 4: Unconfirmed TX's @ 174K 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Day 5: I will post this guide regularly until available solutions like SegWit & order batching are mass adopted, the mempool is empty once again, and transaction fees are low. User demand from this community can help lead to some big changes. Have you joined the /Bitcoin SegWit effort? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Day 6: I will post this guide regularly until available solutions like SegWit & order batching are mass adopted, the mempool is empty once again, and tx fees are low. Refer a friend to SegWit today. There's no $10 referral offer, but you'll both get lower fees and help strengthen the BTC protocol 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Day 7: I will post this guide regularly until available solutions like SegWit & order batching are mass adopted, the mempool is empty once again, and tx fees are low. Do you want low tx fees, because this is how you get low tx fees 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bastiat 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bitcoin 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
[link] 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
[comments] 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Understanding Segregated Witness 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
have already implemented SegWit 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Saving up to 80% on Bitcoin transaction fees by batching payments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
BitInfoCharts.com - Average Transaction Fees 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Blockchain.info - Unconfirmed Transactions 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
SegWit Charts 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
If every transaction in the Bitcoin network was a SegWit transaction today, blocks would contain up to 8,000 transactions, and the 138,000 unconfirmed transaction backlog would disappear instantly. Transaction fees would be almost non-existent once again 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
/Bitcoin 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Source 1: BitcoinCore.org 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Source 2: /Bitcoin 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
SegWit: In testing (including send from bech32). Batching: Have been for years. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Source: HowToToken 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
March 2016 - Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong has reservations about Core 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Dec 2017 - Coinbase is STILL working on Segwit 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Source: BTCManager.com 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Source: BitcoinTalk.org 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
HowToToken.com - How To Send Bitcoin Faster And Cheaper Over SegWit Transactions 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
BTCManager.com - Electrum 3.0 is first Wallet to enable Bech32 SegWit Addresses 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
If every Bitcoin tx was a SegWit tx today, we'd have 8,000 tx blocks & the tx backlog would disappear. Tx fees would be almost non-existent once again. THE NEXT BITCOIN TX YOU MAKE, MAKE IT A SegWit TX. DOWNLOAD A SegWit COMPATIBLE WALLET AND OPEN A SegWit COMPATIBLE EXCHANGE ACCOUNT RIGHT NOW 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
I will repost this guide daily until available solutions like Segwit & order batching are adopted, the mempool is empty once again, and transaction fees are low. You can help. Take action today 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Day 3: ARE YOU PART OF THE SOLUTION? News: Unconfirmed TX's @ 274K, more exchanges adding SegWit, Core prioritizes SegWit GUI 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Day 4: Unconfirmed TX's @ 174K 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Day 5: I will post this guide regularly until available solutions like SegWit & order batching are mass adopted, the mempool is empty once again, and transaction fees are low. User demand from this community can help lead to some big changes. Have you joined the /Bitcoin SegWit effort? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bastiat 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bitcoin 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
[link] 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
[comments] 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
openly 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
8% of transactions come from Segwit addresses 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
censorship_notifier 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
noncensored_bitcoin 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
[link] 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
[comments] 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
hunk_quark 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Purse.io is paying its employees in Bitcoin Cash. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
63 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Forbes Author Frances Coppola takes blockstream to task. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
35 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Purse CEO Andrew Lee confirms they are paying employees in BCH and native BCH integration update will be coming soon! 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
43 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
After today's BCH Upgrade, longer posts are now enabled on memo.cash! 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
31 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bitcoin cash fund is providing cashback and prizes for using Bitcoin (BCH) on purse.io next month. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
4 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
As an existential threat to his criminal enterprise Wells Fargo, Bitcoin is rat poison for Warren Buffet. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
1 comment 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Craig Wright in Rwanda- "I've got more money than your country". With advocates like these, no wonder BCH has a PR problem. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
6 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
tralxz 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Breaking News: Winklevoss Brothers Bitcoin Exchange Adds Bitcoin Cash support! 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
115 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Jihan Wu was asked "Why are the miners still supporting Bitcoin Core? Is it just a short term profitability play?", he answered: "Yes, exactly." 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
214 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Cobra:"That feeling when Blockstream, [...] release Liquid, a completely centralized sidechain run only by trusted nodes and designed for banks, financial institutions and exchanges." 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
145 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Jihan Wu on Bloomberg predicting Bitcoin Cash at $100,000 USD in 5 years. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
65 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
CNBC's Fast Money: Ran NeuNer says he would HODL Bitcoin Cash and sell Bitcoin Core. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
58 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Coindesk: "Florida Tax Collector to Accept Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash Payments" 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
8 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Kain_niaK 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
I am getting flashbacks from when I tried to close my Bank of America account ... 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
155 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
moneybutton.com is a configurable client-side Bitcoin Cash (BCH) wallet in an iframe. When the user makes a payment, a webhook URL is called allowing your app to respond to the payment, such as displaying content behind a pay wall. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
37 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
42 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Purse.io at the Coingeek conference in HK just announced native BCH support!!! They are also launching a new software implementation called "bcash" 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
6 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Who is all doing stuff like this on Reddit? Do we realize that we can make the Bitcoin Cash economy easily 10 times as big just by getting Reddit users on board? All they need is a good first user experience. Bitcoin needs to be experienced above everything else before you even talk about it. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
53 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
/cryptocurrency in meltdown 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
16 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Ryan X Charles from Yours.org had an amazing to the point presentation about the future of content creation on the internet. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
12 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
25 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
John Moriarty about why you can't separate Bitcoin from Blockchain. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
12 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
28 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
BitcoinXio 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Frances Coppola on Twitter: “Congratulations, Blockstream, you have just reinvented the interbank lending market.” 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
139 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
35 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) sponsored Mei Yamaguchi's championship fight will be live on YouTube in an hour or so (2 fights left before hers - Livestream) 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
22 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Uncensored: /t/Bitcoin (reddit without the censorship) 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
43 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Information post about the recent suspension and re-activation of publicmodlogs (Update) 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
0 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
VanquishAudio 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Can’t believe this was available. My new license plate.. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
113 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
MemoryDealers 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bitcoin Cash supporting Bitmain is leading a $110M investment in Circle. This is super bullish for BCH on Circle! 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bitcoin Core supporter who scammed his way into consensus without a ticket is busy calling Bitcoin.com and others scammers at the event. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
140 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
I see lots of people coming here every day asking why we think Bitcoin is BCH. Here is why I think so: 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
73 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
The Bitcoin.com CTO made a fun little transaction puzzle with one of the new op-codes: 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
11 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bitcoin Cash is the fighter that everyone loves. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
86 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
This graphic aged well over the last 3 months. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
64 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
An example of the sophisticated arguments BTC supporters use against BCH supporters. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
12 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Tired of staying up all night looking at CoinMarket Cap? Give Bitcoin.com's Satoshi Pulse a try in night mode! 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
11 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
rdar1999 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
78 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
See in this twitter thread Luke Jr actually arguing that PayPal is cheaper than BCH!! Is this guy in full delirium? Or just spouts misinformation on purpose? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
227 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Upgrade completed at height 530356! 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
2 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
5 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Windowly 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Yeah!! "We are pleased to announce that the new Bitcoin Cash address format has been implemented on QuadrigaCX. This will help our users to easily distinguish Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash addresses when funding/withdrawing their account. The BCH legacy addresses will still be supported." 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
8 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
"Friendly reminder: If you pay more than the bare minimum (1/sat per byte) to send a #BitcoinCash BCH transaction - you paid too much. 👍🏻"~James Howells 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
12 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bitpay Enables Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin Core (BTC) for Tax Payments - Bitcoin News 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
31 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
"I like the symbology of 1,000,000 ␢ = 1 ₿ for #BitcoinCash What the 'little b' units are called I don't care that much, it will settle in whether it remains 'bits', or 'cash', or 'credits' ... " 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
54 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
~Public Service Announcement~ Please be extra careful using Bitcoin Cash on the Trezor! They have not yet implemented CashAddr Security. Make sure to covert your address with cashaddr.bitcoincash.org and double check with a block explorer to make sure the address is the same. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
12 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
0 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Why I support Bitcoin Cash (BCH). And why I support cash-denominated wallets. 1$ is inconsequential pocket change to some. To others it is their livelihood. Thank you @BitcoinUnlimit & @Bitcoin_ABC for your work in this regard. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
16 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
If anyone feels that they are forced or imposed to do anything, or threatened by any other person or group’s initiative, he doesn’t understand Bitcoin Cash (BCH). The beauty of Bitcoin Cash is that innovation & creativity is permissionless. Let’s celebrate new ideas together! 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
1 comment 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
"Bits as a unit right now (100sat), no matter named bits or cash or whatever, is extremely useless at this time and in the near future : Its worth 1/11 of a CENT right now. Even it suddenly 10x, its still only 1 single cent."~Reina Nakamoto 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
7 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Love this converter! Thank you @rogerkver ! At present 778.17 ␢ = 1 USD (1,000,000 ␢ = 1 ₿) Tools.bitcoin.com 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
0 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
kairostech99 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Purse.io Adds Native BCH Support and Launches 'Bcash' 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
40 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Openbazaar Enables Decentralized Peer-To-Peer Trading of 44 Cryptocurrencies 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
21 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Thailand Waives 7% VAT for Individual Cryptocurrency Investors 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
1 comment 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Switzerland Formally Considers State Backed Cryptocurrency 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
8 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Research Paper Finds Transaction Patterns Can Degrade Zcash Privacy 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
2 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Japan's GMO Gets Ready to Start Selling 7nm Bitcoin Mining Chips 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
0 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
MMA Fighter Mei Yamaguchi Comes Out Swinging for Bitcoin.com 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
5 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bitmain Hits Back at “Dirty Tricks” Accusations 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
4 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Circle Raises $110Mn With Plans to Launch USD-Backed Coin 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
2 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Coinbase Remains the Most Successful and Important Company in the Crypto Industry 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
7 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
crypto_advocate 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Jihan on Roger: "I learnt a lot about being open and passionate about what you believe in from him[Roger]" 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
45 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bitcoin.com's first officially sponsored MMA fighter head to toe in Bitcoin Cash gear on her walkout - "She didn't win but won the hearts of a lot of new fans" 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
14 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
"Bitcoin Community is thriving again" Roger Ver at CoinGeek 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
8 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Today is a historic day. [Twitter] 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
1 comment 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
singularity87 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bitcoin Cash Fund has partnered with Purse.io to launch their suite of BCH services and tools. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
15 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
328 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
bearjewpacabra 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
378 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Devar0 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Congrats! Bitcoin Cash is now capable of a 32MB block size, and new OP_CODES are reactivated! 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
113 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
btcnewsupdates 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Amaury Sechet in HK: "We want to be as boring as possible... If we do our job well, you won't even notice us." 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
29 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
This is the way forward: Miners Consider Using Bitcoin Cash Block Reward to Fund Development 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
86 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
7 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
HostFat 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
From One to Two: Bitcoin Cash – Purse: Save 20%+ on Amazon [2018] 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
25 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
15 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Tree Signature Variations using Commutative Hash Trees - Andrew Stone 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
5 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Libertymark 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
79 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
unitedstatian 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
The guy had 350 bucks received via Lightning Network but he can't even close the channels to actually withdraw the bitcoins. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
188 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
20 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Looks like fork.lol is misleading users on purpose into thinking the fees on BTC and BCH are the same 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
32 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
33 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
[Not a meme] This is what the TxHighway BTC road should look like when the memepool is large. The unconfirmed tx's should be represented with cars waiting in the toll lines. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
2 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
1 comment 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
3 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
If I were Core and wanted to spam BCH, and since spamming with multiple tx's will be counterproductive, I'd pay unnecessarily high fees instead 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
32 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
1 comment 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
outofsync42 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Sportsbook.com now accepting BCH!! 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
42 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
BITCOIN CASH VS BITCOIN 2018 | Roger Ver on CNBC Fast Money 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
15 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bitcoinmathers 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bitcoin Cash Upgrade Milestone Complete: 32MB and New Features 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
90 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bitgo Launches Institutional Grade Custodial Services Suite 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
0 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
ForkiusMaximus 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Japanese tweeter makes a good point about BTC: "You don't call it an asset if it crumbles away every time you go to use it. You call it a consumable." 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
21 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Jimmy Nguyen: Bitcoin Cash can function for higher level technical programming 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
3 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
mccormack555 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
438 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Has Craig Wright Committed Perjury? New Information in the Kleiman Case 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
56 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Thoughts on this person as a representative of Bitcoin Cash? 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
21 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
jimbtc 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
$50K worth of crypto to anyone who leaks the inner communications of the #CultOfCore 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
29 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Liquidity Propaganda: "The formation of payment hubs happens naturally even in two-party payment channels like the Lightning Network.". LOL. Fuel the LN vs Liquidity fire :D 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
7 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
WBD 017 - Interview with Samson Mow 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
19 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
If you wanted further proof that Andreas Antonopolous is a BCore Coreonic Cuck then here's a new speech from May 6th 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
8 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
porlybe 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
96 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Akari_bit 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
"AKARI-PAY Advanced" Released, for Bitcoin Cash! 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
6 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
7 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Devs.Cash updated with new Dev projects, tools, and bounties for Bitcoin Cash! 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
7 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
CollinEnstad 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Purse.io Introduces 'bcash', an Implementation of the BCH protocol, just like ABC, BU, or Classic 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
125 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
marcelchuo3 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bitcoin Cash Community Sees OP_Code Innovation After Upgrade 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
3 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Coingeek Conference 2018: Bitcoin Cash Innovation Shines in Hong Kong 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bitfinex Starts Sharing Customer Tax Data with Authorities 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
3 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Colorado Proposal Aims to Allow Cryptocurrency Donations for Campaigns 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
2 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Thailand Commences Cryptocurrency Regulations Today 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
1 comment 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bitcoin Mining Manufacturer Canaan Files for Hong Kong Stock Exchange IPO 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
0 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bitcoin in Brief Thursday: OECD Explores Cryptocurrencies, Central Asian Powerhouse Calls for UN Crypto Rules 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
0 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Moldova with New Crypto Exchange and a Token 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
0 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Korean Regulators Widen Investigation of Cryptocurrency Exchanges 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
0 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
0 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
anberlinz 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
294 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Chris_Pacia 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
61 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
cryptorebel 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Coinbase blog from 2015: "bits is the new default". The reason "bits" stopped being used was because of high fees on segwitcoin. Lets bring back "bits" on the real Bitcoin-BCH! 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
66 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Here is the Bitcoin-BCH countdown clock to the hard fork upgrade with new 32MB block limit capacity, and re-enabled op-codes. Looks like its about 17 hours away. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
2 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
This is Core's idea of open development, you are "super welcome" to work on anything that the gatekeepers say is ok. People tout Core as having so many devs but it doesn't matter much when you have to go through the gatekeepers. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
14 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
coinfeller 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bitcoin Cash France is offering 32 000 bits of BCH for Tipping Tuesday to celebrate the upgrade from 8MB to 32MB 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
101 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
How the Bitcoin Cash upgrade from 8MB to 32MB seems like :) 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
10 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
money78 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Congratulations Bitcoin Cash for the 32MB, WTG! 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
5 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Roger Ver on CNBC's Fast Money again and he says bitcoin cash will double by the end of the year! 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
30 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
The Bitcoin Cash upgrade: over 8 million transactions per day, data monitoring, and other possibilities 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
3 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
haumeris28 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
MMA Fighter Mei Yamaguchi Sponsored By Bitcoin Cash Proponent Roger Ver 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
3 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Swiss Government is Studying the Risks and Benefits of State-Backed Cryptocurrency 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
3 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Circle and Bitmain partner for US Dollar backed Token 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
18 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Apple Co-Founder - Ethereum Has the Potential to be the Next Apple 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
13 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Florida County To Begin Accepting Tax Payments in Crypto 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
0 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
‘Blockchain Will Drive the Next Industrial Revolution’, According to a Major Wall Street Firm 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
0 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bitcoin Cash Undergoes a Hard Fork, Increases Block Size 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Newly Appointed Goldman Sachs Vice President Leaves for Cryptocurrency 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
5 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
OKEx CEO Quits as Exchange Becomes World’s Largest Surpassing Binance 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
2 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Texas Regulators Shut Down Crypto Scam, Falsely Using Jennifer Aniston and Prince Charles for Promotion 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
0 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
MarkoVidrih 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
US Regulators Agree That They Will Not Will Not Suppress Cryptocurrencies 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
10 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Why Stable Coins Are the New Central Bank Money 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
9 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
First Facebook, Then Google, Twitter and LinkedIn, Now Microsoft’s Bing Will Ban All Cryptocurrency Ads 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
2 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Circle Raises $110 Mln and Plans to Use Circle USD Coin (USDC) instead of Tether (USDT) 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
1 comment 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
9 Million New Users Are About to Enter in Crypto Market 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
6 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Japan’s Largest Commercial Bank Will Try its Own Cryptocurrency in 2019 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
0 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
The Viability of the ERC-948 Protocol Proposal 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
0 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
A letter from Legendary VC Fred Wilson to Buffet: The Value of Bitcoin Lies in the Agreement Itself 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
1 comment 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
This is Just The Beginning of Crypto! 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
0 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
What? U.S. SEC Just Launches ICO Called HoweyCoin 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
2 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
plaguewiind 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Twitter restricting accounts that mention Blockstream 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
This is actually fantastic! Jimmy Nguyen on ‘The Future of Bitcoin (Cash)’ at The University of Exeter 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
31 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
MartinGandhiKennedy 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
[COMPELLING EVIDENCE] Proof that Luke Jr does not lie 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
41 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
higher-plane 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
24 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
SharkLaserrrrr 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
[PREVIEW] Looks like Lighthouse powered by Bitcoin Cash is coming together nicely thanks to the hard work of an anonymous developer. I wonder how Mike Hearn feels about his project being resurrected. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
24 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
playfulexistence 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
165 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
bambarasta 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Kain_niaK 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Ant-n 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
H0dl 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Adrian-X 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
KoKansei 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
LovelyDay 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
LexGrom 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Erumara 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
lubokkanev 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
LuxuriousThrowAway 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
rdar1999 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
zcc0nonA 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
MemoryDealers 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
RollieMe 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Churn 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
jimbtc 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
btcnewsupdates 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
blockthestream 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
SharkLaserrrrr 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
kondratiex 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
trolldetectr 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
ForkiusMaximus 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
jonald_fyookball 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
mccormack555 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
playfulexistence 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
scotty321 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
BitcoinXio 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
TiagoTiagoT 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bitcoinopoly 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
homopit 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
DoomedKid 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
cryptorebel 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Deadbeat1000 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
mrtest001 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
BeijingBitcoins 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
tippr 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
chainxor 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
emergent_reasons 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
morli 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
patrick99e99 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
crasheger 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
---Ed--- 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
radmege 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
anberlinz 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
unstoppable-cash 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
taipalag 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
rowdy_beaver 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
RareJahans 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Can’t believe this was available. My new license plate.. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
VanquishAudio 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Breaking News: Winklevoss Brothers Bitcoin Exchange Adds Bitcoin Cash support! 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
tralxz 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
115 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Purse.io is paying its employees in Bitcoin Cash. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
hunk_quark 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
63 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Frances Coppola on Twitter: “Congratulations, Blockstream, you have just reinvented the interbank lending market.” 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
BitcoinXio 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
139 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Forbes Author Frances Coppola takes blockstream to task. 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
hunk_quark 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
35 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
bearjewpacabra 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
378 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
I am getting flashbacks from when I tried to close my Bank of America account ... 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Kain_niaK 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
155 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Congrats! Bitcoin Cash is now capable of a 32MB block size, and new OP_CODES are reactivated! 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Devar0 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
113 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Purse CEO Andrew Lee confirms they are paying employees in BCH and native BCH integration update will be coming soon! 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
hunk_quark 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
43 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Libertymark 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
79 comments 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
morli 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
comment 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
patrick99e99 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
comment 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
RollieMe 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
comment 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
blockthestream 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
comment 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
seleneum 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
comment 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Falkvinge 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
comment 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
MemoryDealers 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
comment 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
comment 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Erumara 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
comment 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
KoKansei 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
comment 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
BBoe 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Subreddit Stats 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
subreddit_stats 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
subreddit_stats 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
[link] 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
[comments] 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bastiat 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
/Bitcoin 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
/Bitcoin 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
/Bitcoin 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Bastiat 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Day 9: I will post this guide regularly until available solutions like SegWit & order batching are mass adopted, the mempool is empty once again, and TX fees are low. Do you want low TX fees? This is how you get low TX fees 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Go1dfish undelete link 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
unreddit undelete link 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
Darknicks 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/bitcoin-transactionfees.html#3m 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
https://blockchain.info/unconfirmed-transactions 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
https://www.reddit.com/Bitcoin/comments/7kherf/what_exchanges_batch_there_withdrawal_txs_to_save/ 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
https://www.reddit.com/Bitcoin/comments/7mk8az/day_5_i_will_post_this_guide_regularly_until/drv127w/?context=3 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
https://twitter.com/krakenfx/status/949547526847307776 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
https://twitter.com/ErikVoorhees/status/947994430606229504 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
https://blog.coinbase.com/what-happened-at-the-satoshi-roundtable-6c11a10d8cdf 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
https://blog.coinbase.com/bitcoin-segwit-update-3ab0484e4526 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2347427.msg23976364#msg23976364 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
https://www.reddit.com/Bitcoin/comments/7l9tda/day_2_i_will_repost_this_guide_daily_until/ 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
https://www.reddit.com/Bitcoin/comments/7ljpf5/day_3_i_will_repost_this_guide_daily_until/ 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
https://www.reddit.com/Bitcoin/comments/7m6zd0/day_4_i_will_repost_this_guide_daily_until/ 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
https://www.reddit.com/Bitcoin/comments/7mk8az/day_5_i_will_post_this_guide_regularly_until/ 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
https://www.reddit.com/Bitcoin/comments/7na2xb/day_6_i_will_post_this_guide_regularly_until/ 內部鏈接 傳遞價值
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通常情況下,你的域名越短越好,6-7字母(不包括.com)是比較理想的域名。 域名的名字應該讓用戶很容易的記住,並且經常回來瀏覽你的網頁。

如果你的域名太長了,用戶就不容易記住,那訪問的機會就會大大降低。 你的域名應該俱有創意,和你的生意內容相關,可以讓用戶需要服務的時候聯想到你的生意,這對於生意長久的營銷非常有利。

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** 查看每個網頁的內存大小,建議不要超過100K,如果一個網頁的內存太大,那麼網頁的下載速度就會降低,影響用戶體驗。

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不錯,當前網頁發現語言代碼標簽--/html lang="en-US"/。

網頁語言代碼英文標簽範例: <html lang="en-US">

網頁語言代碼中文標簽範例: <html lang="zh-cn">


accordion-arrow seo advice優化建議:

糟糕,當前網頁沒有使用 Dublin Core 代碼標簽(Dublin Core 是由15個資源描述代碼標簽組成的詞彙)。

查看 Dublin 代碼標簽 如下範例:

<metadata xmlns:xsi="https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<meta name="DC.title" content=" 你的網頁主要標題寫在這裡 " />
<meta name="DC.Creator" content=" 作者名字寫在這裡 " />
<meta name="DC.subject" content=" 網站主題寫在這裡 " />
<meta name="DC.description" content=" 你的網頁描述寫在這裡" />
<meta name="DC.publisher" content=" 你的公司名字寫在這裡 " />
<meta name="DC.date" content=" 2014-12-01 " />
<meta name="DC.type" content=" 網站大概內容寫在這裡 " />
<meta name="DC.language" content=" en-US " />

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完美,您聲明文檔的字符集為 UTF-8。該設置對於網頁顯示其他語言是至關重要的,“UTF8” 是Unicode設置的多語言顯示。


<meta charset="utf-8">

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W3C權威組織有效性檢索報告 錯誤 : 0
警告 : 0

accordion-arrow seo advice優化建議:

W3C是標準的開源代碼工具平台,它可以幫助查看你的網頁代碼語法問題,並給出提示和解決方案來優化你的網頁語法, 讓搜索引擎更好的理解你的網頁內容。通常你的網頁會有很多錯誤的代碼語法,我們建議盡量優先優化重要的問題, 因為通常一些簡單的語法錯誤是不會給你的網頁瀏覽和體驗帶來問題。

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accordion-arrow seo advice內置表格優化建議:

注意!盡量避免使用 HTML內置表格(table)元素,它會影響搜索引擎索引你的網站內容和減緩網頁加載速度。

HTML內置表格範例: html nested table

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內嵌 CSS 代碼範例:

<p style="font-size:18px;"> 內嵌 CSS 代碼這裡是 "style="font-size:18px;",它改變了在 <P> Tag. </p> 裏面文字的大小。

accordion-arrow seo advice優化建議:

太好了,你的網站發現只有很少的 Javascript 文件。 Javascript對於網站的加載速度起到非常關鍵的作用,如果一個網站此類文件太多的話,就會大大影響網頁的加載速度, 谷歌搜索引擎如果發現網頁速度太慢的話,就會直接懲罰你的網頁在搜索引擎結果頁面的排名。

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如果你想要你的用戶有更好的瀏覽體驗,提高你的網頁下載速度是很重要的。用戶等待網頁下載的時間越長, 離開你網頁的機會就越大。搜索引擎也優先排名和檢索速度相對快的相關競爭內容網頁。


使用以下的谷歌網頁速度測試工具來查看綜合的報告,修復建議。 使用 Gtmetrix.com 的網頁速度工具來查看各類網頁下載速度指標,查看詳細比較慢的下載網頁報告來了解具體原因,等等。

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如果你自己在臉書上面每天花時間來進行營銷的話,也許會為你帶來一點效果,但是代價就是你的時間和精力的消耗。其實還有更好的針對性營銷方法, 在臉書上面學習花小錢打廣告一點都不貴,還可以用關鍵詞定義你的目標受眾群體,這裡我們給你介紹 ‘臉書商業廣告’。

如果你想要為你的網站帶來流量,轉化率,顧客行為營銷,提高你的品牌知名度,關鍵詞營銷,本地化營銷, 定義用戶喜好營銷,用戶跟蹤展示廣告營銷,個性化用戶報告,各類營銷工具,簡易廣告操作界面,等等所有的這些功能,臉書商業廣告營銷方案會是個很好的选择。

以下是 ‘臉書頁面信息廣告展示’ 指南範例:

  1. 首先是建立一個臉書的商業頁面,在上面撰寫所有關於你生意的必要信息,比如文章,圖片,視頻,聯繫方法等等。注意,這些信息必須美觀,原創。

  2. 然後根據臉書廣告指南,一步步地購買頁面信息展示廣告,這個廣告收費不是太貴,每天$5 就可以開始了。

  3. 选择你的目標用戶群喜好,年紀,性別,定義你的廣告關鍵詞,這個非常重要,目的是要讓廣告展示在對你的商業有興趣的用戶面前。

  4. 使用臉書簡易的廣告報告平台來查看每天廣告的結果,比如展示次數,點擊量,評論,點贊,等等。

  5. 學習更多臉書廣告工作原理?


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